A blog for my young friends in Homer, and anyone else wishing to follow my ongoing adventures in the city of Los Angeles.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Crappiest Post Ever

Hey guys, I've got nothing to report this week. There's some chance that I'll eventually have something cool to report, but not now. I've been working constantly. I still live on a cot in my buddy's living room. I miss my dog. I don't sleep very well, because my sleeping bag's too hot and it gets so noisy at about 8 AM that at that point I pretty much have to give up.

Since I've been working so much, I don't really have time to do anything cool. I managed to escape early tonight, so I'm going to a comedy show with my buddy Rudy, just for something to do. There's this stand-up comedian chick in the show that Rudy thinks is really hot, and I'm sort of along for the ride.

Things have been going well for Rudy lately; his stand-ups really taking off it sounds like. Right now he's sitting across from me playing Zuma while we kill time before leaving. Zuma is a really fun flash game that I'm thinking of developing into a movie script. It started as a joke, but the more me and Rudy discussed it the more excited I got about the idea. Here's a link to a website where you can play Zuma for yourself:


I got a picture of Juney today from my dad. She's getting fat. I gotta get her down her soon so I can take her jogging every day! I'm a little worried that I'm going to have trouble finding enough time to spend with her, but I'll figure that out later. One guy I work with brings his dog to work sometimes, so maybe I can do something like that. I think she may look fatter in the picture than she actually is, because of the way her harness is bunching up the loose skin on her neck and the way she's lying.

Well, I hope you guys got your summers off to a great start! Sounds like a lot of cool stuff's going on, keep me posted.

1 comment:

Syd said...

Dude your dog's a heifer. Ew.
