A blog for my young friends in Homer, and anyone else wishing to follow my ongoing adventures in the city of Los Angeles.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Secret Post

Hey everyone! As I write this, we just finished up Anne Frank and Me last weekend. I'm sitting in Jazz's living room feeling sad about leaving Homer and missing the opportunity to watch you fine people continue to grow up and become more and more awesome. I decided to channel my melancholy in a productive way, and I created my "Life Outside Homer" blog.

Now, the purpose of this blog is ostensibly to keep all of my young friends in Homer up-to-date on my activities. The primary reason, however, is to create a forum where I can easily remain in touch with all of you. I would very much like to do this. Every kid I've worked with over the years has a special place in my heart, and I'm very interested to see how each and every one of you turns out. Some of you are nearly there, some of you have years and years to go, but all of you are going to make extremely interesting adults some day.

Today's blog is currently a secret. I probably won't start sending around the link to this blog for another month or two, so right now I'm essentially blogging to no one. When I actually do release the address, this entry will be hiding in the archives for anyone ambitious enough to seek it out.

I guess what I want to express here is how much it truly bums me out that I'm leaving. I've said it, we've all made jokes about me crying and stuff like that, but whenever I'm around you guys I definitely try to downplay how sad I'm feeling. A few days ago I was walking into the high school for DDF and this really mournful Tom Waits tune was playing on my iPod and I got so crazy bummed out on my way up the stairs that I had to stop and pull myself together before I did anything. I just want you all to know that it's not something I'm taking lightly. It's really hard.